近 5 年发表论文: ① Novel formulations and logic-based Benders decomposition for the integrated parallel machine scheduling and location problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing 34(2), 1048-1069, 2022.
② Resource-constrained emergency scheduling for forest fires via artificial bee colony and variable neighborhood search combined algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25(6), 5791-5806,2024.
③ Logic-based Benders decomposition for bi-objective parallel machine selection and job scheduling with release dates and resource consumption, Computers and Operations Research, 109803, 2024.
④ 路况不确定下通勤定制公交网络设计鲁棒优化, 系统工程理论与实践, 2024. 等
近 5 年承担科研项目: ① 国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才项目,定制公交系统绿色运营内在机制与实现 路径研究,2023.09-2026.08, ¥1350,000, 主持
② 国家社会科学基金,面向大规模定制出行的公交优先低碳网络构建与政策研 究,2022.7-2025.6,22BGL272, ¥200,000, 主持
③ 国家自然科学基金,交通网络视角下公交专用道时空集成设置多目标优化研 究,2018.1-2020.12, 71701049, ¥228,000, 主持, 已结题(国家自然科学基金委 结题绩效评估获评"特优")
④ 教育部人文社科基金规划项目,低碳导向下公交优先网络设计决策优化研究, 2021.09-2023.08, 21YJA630096, ¥100,000, 主持等。